Volunteers for the Summerville Art Festival!
The call for volunteers has been sent out, and we feel incredibly fortunate to have so many wonderful individuals sign up. We've received responses from volunteers far and wide, and we are thrilled to welcome everyone to the 2023 Summerville Art Festival! We sincerely appreciate your willingness to dedicate your time and contribute to making this year's festival the best one yet. Thank you for taking time out of your busy summer schedule to volunteer.
Anne Hickey - Summerville, NB
Cathy Cusack - Summerville, NB
Cathy Lewis. - Clifton Royal, NB
Corinne Smirle - Toronto, ON
Dave Yurach - Ottawa, ON
Deb Hogan - Ottawa, ON
Debbie Weinstein - Ottawa, ON
Ellen DeLange - Saint John, NB
Ian Simpson - Revelstoke, BC
Jen North - Revelstoke, BC
Jennifer Parr - Ottawa, ON
Joseph Aicher - Summerville, NB
Julie Hurteau - Ottawa, ON
Kendra Breedveld - Summerville, NB
Liane Thibodeau - Summerville, NB
Linda Nadj - Summerville, NB
Lisa Courtney Lloyd - Ottawa, ON
Liz Boyle - Saint John, NB
Liz Piggot - Toronto, ON
Lynda Leonard - Ottawa, ON
Marion Moritz - Ottawa, ON
Mary-Lynn Clark - Summerville, NB
Mike Boyle - Saint John, NB
Mike Lloyd - Ottawa, ON
Nada Nadj - Summerville, NB
Normand Lafrenière - Montreal, QC
Paul Giacomin - Ottawa, ON
Paula Peterson - Toronto, ON
Peter Williams - Summerville, NB
Richard DeLange - Saint John, NB
Sage Kitamorn - San Francisco, USA
Sharon Workman - Alymer, QC
Sunny Hartwig - Charlottetown, PEI
Suzanne Hickey - Saint John, NB
Tim Pedersen - Summerville, NB
Tom Cusack - Summerville, NB
Tom O’Brien - Saint John, NB
Tony Nadj - Summerville, NB
Travis Breedveld - Summerville, NB
William Miller - Ottawa, ON